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Breast & Chest Feeding 101

Are you considering Breast
or Chest Feeding your baby -
but don't know where to start?

This mini-course will introduce you to the basics of breast & chest feeding, getting the first latch, positioning, what to expect with your newborn baby's diapers, and troubleshooting.

After enrolling, you'll have lifetime access to over 30 minutes of video lessons - which you can access on your computer, OR on your mobile device using the app!

What Will We Cover?
Beginning Your Journey
The Benefits of Human Milk
Milk Composition
The First Latch
Nursing Positions
Input & Output
Hunger Cues
The "Top Up Trap"
Pumping & Bottle Feeding
Nipple Care
Oral Tethers
Common Complications
Breast Milk Pump
This Course is FSA/HSA Eligible!

Yes - this course is eligible for reimbursement by most FSA/HSA plans! You can process payment through your FSA or HSA in one of two ways:

- Pay your enrollment fee using your FSA/HSA card via this Square link, or via, and make sure to include in the notes: "Breast and Chest Feeding 101 Course", plus your name, and the email address that you are enrolling with. Once the payment is processed, you will be sent an itemized invoice, and manually enrolled in the course.

- Enroll online using your personal credit or debit card, and then you will need to submit a request for reimbursement from your company.
You will likely require an itemized receipt; please email me at after purchasing the course, and I can then send you an updated receipt showing the necessary information (my tax ID & NPI number, diagnosis & procedure codes, etc.)
Your company may also require a "Letter of Medical Necessity" from your doctor or midwife - this is basically just a statement including your medical condition (childcare instruction), why the expense is required (preparing for breast/chest feeding), and how this expense meets your needs (providing breast/chest feeding education.) You can print a Medical Necessity Form HERE.

New Moon Doula

PLEASE NOTE: Information contained in the courses belonging to the Holistic Parenting School at, by Katie Miles CD, CPD, SBD, ISE, CYBE, is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional.

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Offering Birth & Postpartum Doula Care, Childbirth Classes,

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Serving families in the Wichita, Kansas area - including Derby, Andover,

Maize, Rose Hill, Mulvane, Goddard, Bel Aire, Kechi, and Park City.

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